Animation! Ventana Sur (Argentina) together with the Quirino Ibero-American Animation Awards (Tenerife) and the Pixelatl Festival (Mexico) joined forces to create the Ibero-American Animation League, with the aim of promoting the creation and development of audiovisual projects in the region.

In a special partnership with the Annecy International Animation Festival and its market (MIFA), Ibero-American feature film and TV series projects were selected and pitched in the special program: La Liga Focus @MIFA.

In this pitching session, the projects awarded in Animation! Pitching Sessions 2022:

  • “Esther” (directed by Ezequiel Torres) and “El futuro imposible” (directed by Martín Haas & Antonio Balseiro, two Argentine series projects that won the “MIFA Annecy” award at Ventana Sur 2022.
  •  “Chocó: y la selva mágica” a Colombian feature film by director Estefanía Piñeres that not only won the MIFA Annecy award, but also received the “La Liga” award at Ventana Sur, an award that also allowed it to participate in the Quirinos de la Animación Iberoamericana Awards (Tenerife) and will allow it to participate in the Pixelatl Festival (Mexico).
  • Mi papá el Camión“, the Colombian feature film by director María Cristina Pérez, won the “MIFA Annecy” award.

The project selected for the Animation! Mentoring Program for Female Creators – III edition: “Kale do Museu Assustador“, a Brazilian series project by director Lena Franzz.

As well as the Mexican project selected by La Liga in Shorway Pixelatl: “Desdoblándome“, by director Natalia Pájaro.

Also during the program the new spot of La Liga was premiered, created by the studio Buda TV, who brought it to life taking it to another level. They creatively made a crossover of animation clichés and designed a “League of Superheroes” that unite to fight for the common good of the animated industry. Inspired by their logo, clearly referencing the 80’s, with super bolds colors, they created a short minute of simple narrative with a stripped down and contrasting visual style. At the same time, with the help of AhreEstudio, they created an original soundtrack that reminds us of those 80’s series, thus achieving a heroic and epic adventure, as it is to develop animation in Ibero-America.

We believe that by bringing together the most talented animators and creatives from across the region, we can inspire new forms of collaboration, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of animation. 

Join us on this exciting journey and discover the vibrant and diverse creative spirit that defines Latin American animation today.

See the full program here.