Special Mentoring Program for Female Creators 2021

The Mentoring Program for Female Creators took place between January and March 2022. 

The mentors,  Eloa Sahiry, Irene Weibel and Carlos Bleycher did a great job and the endeavor of the directors was shown in the progress of their projects.

In May, they traveled to Tenerife and participated in the Coproduction Forum of the Quirino Awards of the Iberoamerican Animation.

The Peruvian project “Gato Ocho” from Grace Cárdenas Cano and Rebeca Venegas was selected to be presented in Annecy and took part of La Liga Focus @MIFA.

The end of the journey was in  Animation! Ventana Sur, where the five projects were showcased in a special pitching session. Also, during Ventana Sur, the directors had meetings with professionals from the industry and took part of the International Business Round, which gave them the chance to connect with potential foreign partners and coproducers.

Additionally, thanks to the support of LatinX, the Chilean project “Witch’s Business” directed by Alejandra Jaramillo and produced by Paulina Sanhueza, was selected to participate in LALIFF (Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival) between May and June 2023 with all the expenses covered

Selected projects

Gato Ocho / ​​Kitty Eight

Dir. Grace Cárdenas Cano / Prod. Rebeca Venegas Gonzales
Bicicleta Casa Audiovisual (Peru)


Mundoscópico / Worldoscope

Dir. Ana Martin / Prod. Karina Fuentes
Moco Studio (Argentina)


Negocio de Brujas / ​​Witch’s Business

Dir. Alejandra Jaramillo Fanta / Prod. Paulina Sanhueza
Gigante Azul (Chile)



Dir. / Prod. Macarena Campos

Ray And Manny

Dir. / Prod. Paula de Abreu
Estudio Paulares (Brazil)