Cielo Salviolo

+54 9 11 4940-6921

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Pakapaka es el primer canal infantil público y educativo de la Argentina. Creado por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, hoy está bajo la órbita de Contenidos Públicos S. E., dependiente de la Secretaría de Medios y Comunicación Pública.

Fue lanzado el 17 de septiembre de 2010 y concibe a los chicos y chicas como ciudadanos, sujetos de derechos, constructores y pensadores de su realidad, con saberes y modos de ver el mundo que enriquecen la vida en común. Les ofrece herramientas para interpretar el complejo mundo que los rodea, ser verdaderos protagonistas y agentes de cambio y les permite expresarse respetando sus diferencias y particularidades. Es un proyecto cultural, un espacio para imaginar, soñar, desafiar, explorar, descubrir y aprender desde lo lúdico. A través del juego propone un lugar como acción transformadora y como dinámica para crear, creer e inventar el mundo.

Con una diversidad de contenidos y formatos se propone ampliar los repertorios culturales de chicos y chicas, acompañarlos en su crecimiento y garantizar así el acceso a contenidos culturales y educativos de calidad que trascienden edades de manera respetuosa, entretenida y audaz.
Con temáticas universales y estéticas variadas, sus propuestas multiplataforma y transmedia convocaan a la participación e interacción a través del desarrollo de contenidos y juegos en su sitio web, redes sociales y el desarrollo de apps. Trabaja en red con otras instituciones y televisoras públicas de Latinoamérica con reconocida trayectoria en el campo de las infancias y la producción audiovisual.

Pakapaka adquiere series elaboradas por prestigiosas señales públicas y privadas del mundo y sus producciones propias están disponibles para ver y descargar desde todo el país. En sus trece años ha producido y coproducido más de 400 proyectos entre series, microprogramas y contenidos audiovisuales, totalizando más de 2000 horas de programación infantil. Algunos de esos programas han tenido gran repercusión tanto nacional como internacional obteniendo más de 180 reconocimientos en mercados, festivales y premios nacionales como internacionales entre nominaciones y los premios obtenidos.

Actualmente sus contenidos se emiten también a través de la plataforma pública de Contenidos Audiovisuales

Pakapaka is the first state-run and educational children’s TV channel in Argentina. It was created by the National Ministry of Education, and today it is under the control of Contenidos Públicos S. E., which reports to the Secretary of Media and Public Communication.
It was launched on September 17, 2010, and it considers boys and girls as citizens, subjects with rights, people who create and think about their reality, and who have knowledge and ways of seeing the world that make living life together richer. It provides children with tools to interpret the complex world around them and to be the true protagonists and agents of change, and allows to express themselves respecting their differences and singularities.

A cultural project, a space to imagine, dream, challenge, explore, discover and to lern from the playful. Through the game it proposes a space as a transforming action and as a dynamic to create, to believe, love and invent the world.
With a wide variety of content and formats, it aims at expanding the cultural repertoires of boys and girls, and being with them while they are growing up. This guarantees children’s access to quality cultural and educational content that transcends their ages in a respectful, entertaining, and daring way.

With universal themes and varied aesthetics, its multiplatform and transmedia proposals call for participation and interaction through the development of content and games on its website, social networks and the development of apps. Network with other institutions and public TV channels in Latin America with a recognized path working for childhood and audiovisual production.

Pakapaka purchases series produced by the world’s most prestigious state-run and private channels. Its own productions are available to watch and download across the country. In its thirteen years of history, it has produced and co-produced over 400 projects, including series, microprograms and audiovisual content, totaling more than 2000 hours of programs for children. Some of these programs have had a great impact both nationally and internationally, and received more than 180 awards and recognitions in industry markets, festivals and national and international award ceremonies.

Nowadays, its contents are also broadcast on the audiovisual content platform,

Títulos producidos

– ANIMATION SERIES: La asombrosa excursión de Zamba y Nina, Medialuna y las noches mágicas, Minimalitos, Petit (Coprod. Chile, Colombia, España), Puerto Papel (Coprod. Chile, Brasil, Colombia), Siesta Z (Coprod. Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil y Perú), La orquestita (Coprod. Perú, Uruguay, Colombia), Ciencia Zapata, Robotia (Coprod. Argentina), Monstruos de la guarda (Coprod. Argentina), Yo te cuento (Coprod. Argentina), Historias entre tumbas (Coprod. Argentina), Yo quiero saber ¿y vos?, Alén de la Patagonia (Coprod. Argentina), Tenemos Derechos, Poemas de la Tierra, Amigos, Detective de animales, ¡Superinsectos!, El Capitán de Nariz de Lata, Vuelta por el universo, La Comarca de Julián, Pili y el Guardián Enmascarado.

– SERIES LIVE ACTION: Inventar Pakapaka pregunta, Cuento con vos, Cazadores de sonidos, Misterios submarinos (Coprod. Argentina), Experimentores (Coprod. Argentina), Desafiólogos, El Club del Chiribitil, La Posta, Inteligencia Animal, Abra Palabra, Chikuchis, Ventanas al mundo (Coprod. Internacional), Escondidos en el museo, Laboratorio de superhéroes, ¿Neuroqué?, Listo el pollo (Coprod. Argentina), Muchas manos en el plato (Coprod. Argentina).

Series destacadas

Animated series / 10×13′ / Target: Children aged 6 to 9

Animated series inspired by the song «Soñadores (Dreamers)», by the Spanish composer and singer Albert Plá and the illustrations made by Liniers that illustrate the book. Based on this poetic and powerful idea, the series invites us to discover the dreams and desires of boys and girls who attend a very special school, which shelters, listens and invites us to cheer up and exercise their right to dream. In this school of dreamers, Darío, Fina and Emi will find the space to dream and to develop, throughout the episodes, a dream linked to their own identity, their desires and their desire to be themselves.

Animated series / 13×11′ (2nd season in production) / Target: Children aged 3 to 5

The Motorjons are a very special family of rabbits. Each episode is a journey of discovery in his fabulous motorhome. On the way they know places full of landscapes, songs and adventures; also, diversity of environments and realities. Through the journey Cony learns the value of nature and the environment, as well as the practices and simple actions that can be carried out to contribute to its care.

Coproduction with Malabar Producciones (Argentina)

Documentary animated series / 15×15′ / Target: Children aged 6 to 9

Animated series based on true stories of animals, boys and girls, and how meeting and knowing each other changed their lives. The narration is built from both perspectives –children and animals– mixing documentary, fantasy and humor.

Coproduction with CNTV (Chile) and Eureka Channel (Colombia)

Animated series / 2 seasons (52×11′) / Target: Children aged 6 to 9

Every first time is special and is remembered for a lifetime. In Polinopolis, a very special city, Milo, Yuca and their friends are at that age in which many things are experienced for the first time. Some of their early experiences are fantastically weird, but each one strengthens the friendship and bond of this quirky group.

Coproduction with Mago Production (Spain), Apapacho Films (Mexico), Godo Studio (France), Radio y Televisión Española RTVE (Spain) y Televisió de Catalunya TV3